Loan: CZ-2747630248

Loan amount, €


Interest rate, %


Term, days


Loan status

Finished prematurely

Date of issue


Final payment date


Loan lender

Creditstar Czech

Loan with a Buyback Guarantee

This loan has a Buyback Guarantee. The loan originator will buy back the loans from investors that are more than 60 days overdue from their scheduled due date.

Due date Principal Interest Total Status
08.03.2024 23.81 12.48 36.29
07.04.2024 30.24 12.17 42.41
07.05.2024 38.40 11.76 50.16
06.06.2024 48.77 11.25 60.02
06.07.2024 61.93 10.60 72.53
05.08.2024 78.66 9.77 88.43
04.09.2024 99.89 8.73 108.62
04.10.2024 126.87 7.39 134.26
03.11.2024 161.12 5.70 166.82
03.12.2024 204.62 3.55 208.17
02.01.2025 61.94 0.83 62.77
936.25 94.23 1 030.48
InvestmentAmountPurchase date
1300.00 €06.03.2024
210.00 €07.03.2024
310.11 €08.03.2024
415.01 €08.03.2024
511.00 €08.03.2024
621.04 €08.03.2024
740.00 €08.03.2024
825.00 €03.04.2024
910.00 €12.04.2024
1010.00 €12.04.2024
 452.16 €