Loan: CZ-3759806507

Loan amount, €

2 674.00

Interest rate, %


Term, days


Loan status

Finished prematurely

Date of issue


Final payment date


Loan lender

Creditstar Czech

Loan with a Buyback Guarantee

This loan has a Buyback Guarantee. The loan originator will buy back the loans from investors that are more than 60 days overdue from their scheduled due date.

Due date Principal Interest Total Status
05.04.2024 133.49 20.20 153.69
05.05.2024 169.53 33.87 203.40
04.06.2024 215.30 31.61 246.91
04.07.2024 273.44 28.74 302.18
03.08.2024 347.26 25.10 372.36
02.09.2024 441.03 20.47 461.50
02.10.2024 560.10 14.59 574.69
01.11.2024 533.85 7.12 540.97
2 674.00 181.70 2 855.70
InvestmentAmountPurchase date
1100.00 €21.03.2024
211.00 €21.03.2024
3115.41 €21.03.2024
410.00 €22.03.2024
52 000.00 €25.03.2024
615.00 €29.03.2024
719.92 €31.03.2024
810.00 €02.04.2024
910.00 €02.04.2024
1034.70 €03.04.2024
1150.00 €04.04.2024
1250.00 €04.04.2024
1311.32 €04.04.2024
1431.24 €04.04.2024
1514.63 €04.04.2024
1610.65 €04.04.2024
1730.00 €04.04.2024
1813.00 €05.04.2024
 2 536.87 €