Opening an investment account is easy!
It doesn’t matter if you are a retail or an institutional investor, where you are located or what is the amount you are looking to invest. Opening an investor account will only take a couple of minutes.
Getting started
Register account
We ask you to fill in your personal or company information. Once this is done, your investor account will be registered and you are all set to browse the marketplace.Verify account
Before making your first deposit, we ask you to go through the verification process. Once the investor account is verified, you can deposit and withdraw funds whenever you please.Deposit funds
With the first steps completed, you are all set to transfer the funds to your investor account in the amount you have decided to invest. This will get you started. You can easily add funds to your account on rolling basis.Start investing
Feel free to hand pick the loans you are interested in financing or create an Auto Invest portfolio strategy, using the provided filters and options to meet your specific investment requirements.Lendermarket is...
Lendermarket welcomes investors internationally as well as offers investment possibilities to many countries.Real-time
Be on top of your investments' progress with our investment monitors and analytics' tools.Secure
Personal data and your money are our main concerns and here we do not compromise.Intuitive
Lendermarket is an intuitive and a simple tool to use, helping you focus on investing.Fair Value to Investors
Lendermarket has no administration fees for investors.On-demand Automation
Between Lendermarket’s auto-invest and automated reinvesting features, you can choose the extent of tools to manage your portfolio (see following chapter).Auto Invest and re-invest
Lendermarket provides you with convenient tools to automate the management of your funds.
You can create multiple portfolios with a mix of strategies, to diversify your investments. The performance of one portfolio has no effect on the others that you have set up. These are the investment management tools that are available to you: